General Membership Meeting

On Thursday we will be having a General Membership meeting as well as a nomination meeting for several vacancies.

The nomination meeting will commence at 4 pm on Thursday April 21st in the cafeteria on the second floor at 26th and California. The offices open are:

Executive at large: A one year term to fill the vacancy of Sarah Garza Resnick, Secretary who left the office. The Secretary position was filled by Brett Gallagher

Trustee: 3 year term, this is a full term for the this position

Trustee: 2 year term to fill the vacancy of Mary Butterton, who left the office.

Nominations MUST be made in person at this meeting.  The nominee does not need to be present to accept the nomination. If you want to put your name in for a position and cannot make the meeting you must have someone in person at the meeting to nominate you.

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Holiday Party

The Holiday party will be held on December 11, 2015 at Joe’s Bar on Weed St., located at 940 West Weed Street, starting at 6:30p.m., and ending at 10 p.m. But we have the room to 4am.  We will be in the Chapter Room. Valet parking is available at a cost of $12 and street parking in the vicinity.You must RSVP to the email for the party:
This party is for members and their guests. Each member will be allowed to bring one guest at a cost of $25. Law clerks who are currently with the office will be allowed to attend at no cost. Please make checks payable to AFSCME Local 3315 and send via interoffice mail to Mark Douglass, Local 3315 VP/Chief Steward, at 26th St., 7th floor. An RSVP is required for all who are attending member (guest, or law clerk) ,
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Golf Outing

Union Golf Outing: August 25, 2016

Local 3315 will be having its annual golf outing on August 25, 2016, at Eaglewood in Itasca. This was the place where we held our outing last year and all had a great time. The outing includes 18 holes of golf with a cart, lunch at the turn, dinner and drinks.

Check out the resort’s website at, for directions and available amenities.  We have access to the pool and can rent bowling alleys if there are any takers.

Members who do not golf can come for drinks and dinner. Please respond to the email below to RSVP.

Non-union members must pay $50 at the door to participate.

Please contact Mark Douglass at 26th and California to reserve your spot for golf and/or drinks and dinner at

If you have a foursome, then please list all names when you respond.  The deadline is 8/19/2016. (When responding please use your personal email, not your county email.)

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Contract Ratified

Contract was ratified overwhelmingly, by over 97% of voting members. To those that still have questions please send them my way or speak with any of the other board members. Thank you all! On to the next fight!

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Jack Carey Scholarship

Please remind any interested law clerks that the application deadline for the Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship is July 1st. Any interested clerks must have their applications submitted, along with a resume, to the following email address by July 1st to be considered for the fall semester. (the address on the application form itself is no longer valid). Applicants can find all the information on this site under the Resources/Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship function.

Good Luck to all the applicants!

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Boat Cruise Details

Always a good time so reserve your spot on the Chicago’s First Lady, which will be boarding at 6:30 pm and will leave the dock on July 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm SHARP! The boat is docked at the south east corner of Michigan Ave. and Wacker Drive. Take the stairs down to the boat and look for the blue awning. (Parking is available: check the web at for directions info, etc. )

Please reserve your spot now by sending a refundable check made out to the Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship Fund for $15. One law clerk per member may attend free, but the member they work for, or they themselves, must reserve their spot by sending a seperate $15 refundable check. Guests of members are also welcome for a cost of $95 (no refund for guests) and made payable to AFSCME Local 3315.

Food by Harry Carey’s, top shelf libations and Little Missles will be playing live on the upper deck!

All checks must be received by Mark Douglass, at 26th Street on the 7th Floor, through interoffice mail or in person, no later than July 7, 2015. Like last year, there will be NO EXCEPTIONS. And once again, please remember that any bounced check (NSF) will result in disqualification from attendance at the next 3Union sponsored events. Seating is limited so don’t delay.

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Important Dates

First I would like to congratulate all of the candidates that ran in the last election. While not everyone can win, the fact that so many were willing to take the time out of their lives by putting their names up for consideration for elected office shows the great dedication that those individuals have to the betterment of this union and the representation of all of our members. So thank you all again for your interest in the election. Voter turn out for this election was amazing and your voices have been heard.

The contract negotiations continue June 12th. There are still a couple of issues that need to be worked out. The two major issues are the timing of the wage increases and the complete insurance package. Hopefully this will happen on the 12th.

Now for the fun stuff. Save the following dates:

July 10th, 2015 for the Public Defender Boat Cruise.

August 13th, 2015 for the Annual Gold Outing.

More details will follow soon on how to reserve your spot for both of these events.

Finally, if you are not getting the emails from the local, or know a member that is not getting the emails, please contact me at This is an important tool for the board to keep all of our members informed of what’s happening in our union.

In Solidarity

Kevin Ochalla

President AFSCME Local 3315

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AFSCME Local 3315 Officers

Congratulations to the newly elected Local 3315 Executive Board.  The election results have been confirmed, and the new local officers are as follows:

President: Kevin Ochalla

Vice-President: Mark Douglass

Recording Secretary:  Sarah Garza Resnick

Treasurer: Crystal Carbellos

Executives-at-Large:   Brett E. Gallagher, Joe Gump, & Kyan Keenan

Trustees: Mary Butterton, Ruth McBeth, & Amber Miller

All officers will be sworn in next week, and a report of the Election Chair will be made at our next general membership meeting.  Again, thank you to the membership for participating in your union’s election.

Margaret Domin, Local 3315 Election Chair

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