In a 2-1 decision by our Appellate Court in People v McLaurin, 2008 Ill. App. LEXIS 426, the court reversed Mr McLaurin’s conviction when he was excluded from discussions among the lawyers and judge about five jury notes and when the trial court directed the sheriff to have an ex-parte discussion with the jurors by telling them to continue to deliberate.
State of the Union, Summer Style
Recently, in my post regarding issues of concern, I told you that we would be distributing a survey to the membership in order to discern the issues that were most important. That survey has been completed and the survey chair, Arlene Floren, is in the process of analyzing the results.
As to retros and the 1% issue, you know what showed up on your check and the issue seems moot–but we will continue to seek an interest payment on the retro amount.
On July 1st and 2nd, 19 of your brothers and sisters participated in a 16- hour training that led to official certification by AFSCME as stewards for our local. The participants, who gained certification are: JOE GUMP (RM), MONIQUE PATTERSON (26TH), AMY THOMPSON (HTF), TIM LEEMING (LRD), BRUCE MOSBACHER (26TH), LINDA PEREZ (MKM), PERSITA WEST (MKM), RICHARD KRUSS (26TH), BEATRIZ SANTIAGO (26TH), KEVIN OCHALLA (26TH), ARLENE FLOREN (CIV), STEVE DOHR (CIV), KRISTINA MENZEL (JJD), LARRY KUGLER (RM), GEORGEEN CARSON (SK), MARTHA FITZSIMMONS (MDD), MICHELLE THOMAS (FSU), AMBER MILLER (1ST MUNI) and lastly, your president, K. S. GALHOTRA (HTF). Both new and old stewards learned tips, techniques and tools to better represent our members.
Two of our three annual union sponsored social events will be taking place this month and the next. On July 24, 2008, we will be enjoying a day of golf, food and drink at Eaglewood Resort in Itasca. This was the same place as last year, but we are hoping the weather will be a bit different this year. Please call George Grezca (HTF) at x5072 if you have not signed up for a foursome or want more information. Click here for information on the resort.The annual boat cruise is shipwrecked again — at Castaways on North Avenue Beach. The party will be held on August 22, 2008 (a Friday night) and will include food and drink similar to last year. More information will be posted on the website so stay tuned — or call Amy Thompson at x6929.
The local’s petition and complaint in the Chancery division continues and is next scheduled before Judge Riley on July 21, 2008.
So that’s what’s going on this summer …. KSG.
Golf Outing Foursomes Available
George Grzeca still has several foursomes available for the local’s golf outing scheduled for JULY 24, 2008. Please call him at 26th Street (x5072) as soon as possible before all the spots are gone.
The Right to Bear Handguns in Your Home For Self-Defense
The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 Scalia opinion invalidated the hangun ban and trigger lock requirement enacted in Washington D.C. Read the case by clicking this. Then discuss.
He might be unfit, but he’s your client, counsel.
The Supreme Court of the United States just made more work for us by deciding on 6/19/08, in Indiana v Edwards, 2008 U.S. LEXIS 5031, that a defendant may be fit for trial but not fit to exercise the right to self representation under Faretta v California, 422 U.S.806. Given that most of our judges despise pro-se trials, it is likely that this ruling will lead to court ordered BCX evaluations on the issues of fitness and fitness to exercise the right of self representation, and then the appointment of the PD. Interesting legal and professional/ethical problems will arise during these proceedings; to wit, what should counsel’s position on these issues be? Should we object to the appointment of counsel to preserve the defendant’s Faretta rights? Management probably needs to develop some policies on this which we can look forward to in a couple of years. In the meantime…well that’s why they pay us the big bucks.
Negotiation Survey
By now, all members should have received a one page union negotiation survey that allows you to prioritize issues and provide insight into any issues that the membership feel are important. Please complete the survey soon and send them to ARLENE FLOREN at CIVIL through interoffice mail. The deadline is July 8, 2008. The board will utilize the tabulated results in forming our proposals.If you have not yet received the survey, please contact her (ARLENE) or the steward at your worksite.
The Checks Are In
We received our retro checks today and we will continue to pursue the interest on the delay. We have been told that our pay increase that is effective after the first full pay period after June 1, 2008 will be reflected in our paychecks that we will recieve on June 27, 2008.
Batter Up!
Brother Kevin Ochalla has organized our union sponsored softball team again this year. The first game is at 7:00 pm on Thursday, 6/12/08 at Welles Park (Montrose and Western). Our team is Time Considered Served and is currently looking for interested players from our ranks.
For more information on playing or the schedule, call Kevin at Ext. 6161 at 26th Street.
5 Years and Counting
On June 12th, the members of UNITE HERE, Local 1 will be rallying in front of the Congress Hotel to mark the 5th year that they have been on strike. Yes, 5 years of picketing for what’s right and fair. Members who were around in 2002 will remember our strike which lasted exaclty one day –and even that was too long for some of our members.
Because we are a union and we face the same issues (health care and wages) as our brothers and sisters at UNITE HERE, Local 1, I urge the members to participate and join in the picket line (we need the practice) between 4pm and 6pm at the Congress Hotel on the 12th. Wear your union gear if you have any and support labor.
For more information on their struggle, click here.