Defending the Damned Author to be Interviewed Live

Mark Bazer is the host of a talk show at the Hideout (1354 W. Wabansia), which, on October 3, will feature an interview with “Defending the Damned” author Kevin Davis. The show runs from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and is $5.  

 “Defending the Damned” is a book about the attorneys in the Homicide Task Force of the Cook County Public Defender.

For more information, click this.

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Transfer Opportunities Posted

Six opportunities for transfer within the office were posted on 9/25/08.  The closing date is 4pm on 10/15/08.  The details are as follows but please check your bulletin boards at your work-site for more specifics.

1 Grade 3 position in FTD (26th Street)

3 Grade 3 positions in MDD

1 Grade 2 position at MWD

1 Grade 3 position at CIV

1 Grade 2 position at JJD

7 Grade 2 positions at FTD (26th Street)

Please obtain the appropriate bid form from your supervisor and read the posting carefully before applying

Falling Back into Contract Negotiations


On September 15th, the County began universal negotiations with 14 AFSCME locals from Cook County including our Local.    Each local is allowed a certain number of representatives who can be a part of the bargaining committee.  Our local has been represented by the executive board in the last two contracts and will be doing so this time as well.  The purpose of universal negotiations is to bargain for all the locals on the same issues that apply to all of us.  For example, in universals, we bargain on wage increases and health care benefits, just to name the two biggest issues.  In locals, however, we craft proposals that are specific to our local.  A good  example of a local proposal  that was implemented was when we changed our bond court duty day (which was relegated to the 150 junior lawyers in the office) to one that was exclusively volunteer and that actually provided additional  monetary compensation above and beyond our salary and benefits.  (Yes, we used to have to do bond court for no extra money).   The surveys that you completed a few months ago are being used in generating our proposals for contract negotiations. 

Given this background, all you need to know is that your involvement in job actions will be essential in getting a fair contract for our membership.  Whether it’s putting on a button to show solidarity or actually going out on strike, you need to do your part in getting a good contract for years to come.  So please stay active and informed by checking your email, reading the blog and staying in touch with the stewards and other members of our member action teams at your work-sites.


Speaking of contracts, our contracts for the current period have finally been printed up and are in the process of being distributed to the membership.

The 1% Issue

As I explained in my previous post, the County has reneged on its agreement to pay us an extra 1% for certain steps on top of our negotiated wage increases (AFSCME pay plan).  We were a little confused on their stance on this issue because they actually paid us the extra 1%  for almost three months.  Now that they reneged, we are taking it to arbitration.  I was notified yestereday that the date for the Step 4 hearing is 12/12/08 before Arbitrator Cox. 

As to members who have been told that they need to wait two years to advance from step 5 to step 6, please know that we believe we have resolved the issue in our favor but want to make sure we have identified all affected members.  Please call Bruce Mosbacher (26th street at x3217) if you have been affected and have not filed a grievance.

Union Trustee

One of our three trustee positions is up for election.  Trustees are charged with reviewing the local’s finances from time to time per the local’s constitution.  This is an excellent time to come forward and get involved in this local.  I ran and was elected to trustee about ten years ago and have not left the local leadership since.  Please keep an eye open for the election notice.

MVP and the Presidential Election

Joe Gump, our People chair,  has asked that I remind the members that the union’s political action committee has changed its dues structure.  Previously, members could join at the $2.20ppd VIP  level or the $4.20 MVP level.  The VIP level is being phased out and nowwe are asking that you join at the  MVP level or above only.  If you need to sign up, please contact one of the board members and we will get you the appropriate gold MVP card to sign.  This election, has been described by many to be the most important one in decaceds for the labor movement.  If this union and it’s members want to advance and have a better future for ourselves, our families and our country, we need to be involved in the upcoming election and vote for the right candidate.

The Cook County Employees Pension Fund

For many of us, the pension is what has kept us working for the County despite our humble salaries and talents which would garner greater rewards in the private sector.  But what if the pension fund dwindled by the time we sought retirement?  That is why it’s important to keep your eye on the ball and participate in the upcoming election for pension board.  It’s a tricky election process because you can only vote in person at the county building or you must request a ballot in the mail (an application for such a mail-in ballot will be mailed to your house). Then mail your “absentee” ballot in –  a two step procedure.

One of our members, Quentin Pitluk (26th), is on the ballot in this election and you should consider supporting him when you vote.

In Solidarity,

K. S. Galhotra

President, Local 3315

Why Your Last Paycheck Was 1% Less

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Many of you noticed that you received a smaller paycheck on September 5th than you usually get.  While we disagree with the County’s reason for taking away our money, it is something we had been anticipating for at least four weeks. On August 3, 2008, I sent an email burst to all members on the local’s list (you can get on this list by sending an email to with your name and worksite) alerting them to the status of the 1% situation.  Here is the content of the email burst:

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

I wanted to send this message to you in a e-mail, as opposed to posting it on the website, because I thought it would be a more appropriate method. I received news last week at the convention from Peter Schmaltz, regional director for Council 31 and one of the main men who negotiated our last contract. The news is not good.  It is about the AFSCME pay plan which everyone over step three has been receiving since the second paycheck in June.  This you will recall was an extra one percent that was to be added (to all steps after step three in Grades two three and four) in addition to the 2.75% pay increase that we received in June of this year.  The county and the local had agreed at the table on this, partly as a way to offset the increase in the health care contributions, but last year, the County was pretending they didn’t know what we were talking about.  Then in June, after we began to look for a date for arbitration over the issue, our paychecks showed that they followed the agreement.  Everything seemed fine in July, but then I received news from Peter Schmaltz that the County is going to take the one percent away from us and that we will have to arbitrate the issue anyway.  

So, there is a good chance that your check may look different this week.  Your salary may be one percent less then the last pay period.  Please check your pay stub for any disparity. Be mindful that we are trying to speed up the arbitration process so we can get our money back as soon as possible-assuming they take it away.  And I say that because the County has a track record of saying one thing and doing another.  I will keep the members posted on further developments on this issue.

In Solidarity, K. S. Galhotra

President, Local 3315 

Labor Day Celebration – Could be an Education

Dear Brother and Sister Assistant Public Defenders:As we head into Labor Day weekend, I wanted us to pause a minute and reflect on what that day really means to us: cookouts, parades and the end of summer.    Is that what you were thinking?  Were you thinking pulling weeds, painting porches and entertaining in-laws?  Well maybe what we all need is a little labor history education.On September 1st, Labor Day, at 2:00 pm, there will be a very special event taking place at the Pullman Factory Building. The event is being sponsored by the Illinois AFL-CIO, the Illinois Labor History Society, the Chicago Black History Society, and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement among others.  This is in lieu of the usual extravaganza put on at Navy Pier.  There will be Music, Food- Picnics, tours of the Landmark Pullman Historic District and special “appearances” by Eugene Debs, A. Philip Randolph, Jennie Curtiss and Franklin D. Roosevelt – after all, it is the 75th Anniversary of the New Deal.  Here are two links to more information on the celebration. Admission is free!Whatever you do this weekend, please drive carefully and be safe.In Solidarity,K.S.G.   

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Great Burden Shifting Case

In a closely balanced drug case, where the defense argued  that it was unconscionable that the State had failed to have certain items tested for fingerprints, the 4th District Appellate court stated that the defense can never open the door so as to shift the burden of proof, and therefore, the State’s rebuttal argument that it was unconscionable for the defense not to have submitted the fingerprints for analysis, was reversible error. “Further, by overruling defendant’s objections to these type of comments by the State, the trial court was in effect sanctioning an erroneous burden of proof before the eyes of the jury,”  Justice Cook wrote.  People v. Aaron Beasley, 4th District, 8/22/08.   B. E. M.

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The 2nd Annual Beach Party (formerly the boat cruise)

Annette and Frankie will be there

Gidget thinks its REAL GONE and

Jan and Dean will be driving their Woody.


The 2nd Annual Beach party!!!!



When: Friday August 22, 6:00pm-10:00pm

where: Castaways at North Ave. Beach

what: free food and drinks, friends and fun



rsvp: send a $10 check to the Jack Carey Scholarship Fund (check is refundable with attendance) to Amy Thompson at 26th Street.


No one will be admitted without rsvp.

If you fail to send a check you must pay $20 at the door.

guests: $50 law clerks: free

                             space is limited.Castaways 08 

The Executive Board Working for You

In April, the board participated in AFSCME Leadership Academy and identified areas that needed to be addressed within the local. Pictured from left to right are Monique Patterson, Joe Gump, Amy Thompson and Kulmeet Galhotra. (Not pictured: Brendan Max)Leadership TrainingAfter a careful assessment, the local leadership established the goal of having one certified steward for every twenty members.  At the time, the local had stewards, but none were certified.  So local leaders put together a plan to achieve our goal.  In early July, the plan culminated with a two-day training at Council 31 offices downtown, that led to the local having a cadre of over 20 certified stewards. Pictured below are the certified stewards and Ade Alagbala, our former staff representative from Council 31.  And during the week of July 28, 2008, we attended the International Convention in San Francisco. (Pictured below are the Local 3315 delegates consisting of the elected executive board of the local).  During the convention, the delegation listened to speeches by Al Gore and Hillary Clinton.  Senator Barack Obama spoke to the delegates via satellite. Click video for a link to the speech.Delegation photoAt the Council 31 reception for convention delagates, the local leadership were able to make their presence known to AFSCME International Leadership.  (Pictured below, Local President Galhotra with AFSCME International Secretary-Treasurer William Lucy.)Vp LucyAnd the local always strives to maintainin a good working relationship with Council 31. (Pictured below, Joe Gump and Kulmeet Galhotra pose with Council 31 Executive Director, Henry Bayer).henry bob and joePictured below is Joe Gump running in the Fun Run (5:45 am) to raise money for the PEOPLE campaign.  The runners raised over $30,000.  Nice job Joe!joe