Newbies Everywhere
I am excited to welcome the 26 “newbies” to the ranks of our office and Local 3315. Nineteen started in mid February and seven started in March. In addition to each one becoming a full member of the Local, the 26 assistants also joined our political action committee at the MVP level. Please reach out to our new brothers and sisters and share with them your wisdom, experience and support.
MVP “Flash Drive”
Speaking of MVP, our Local is proud to have won Council 31’s “Flash Drive”. The award was given to our local for signing up the most members, during the period of the drive, at the new MVP level of any AFSCME Local of our size in Illinois. If you signed up recently and have not received your new PEOPLE jacket, please call Joe Gump in Rolling Meadows.
Pizza and Pop
No doubt that the Flash Drive was a success based on the support of members at the nine Pizza and Pop meetings that were recently concluded. At these meetings, members were informed of the current health and wage proposals made by the County in contract negotiations; the mechanics of transfers and promotions; the job audit process; and the importance of being signed up for email bursts by sending an email to Thanks to all of you who helped organize and attended the meetings. The board is always open to hearing the ideas and thoughts that our members have.
Contract Negotiations
Contract negotiations have slowed considerably since the primary election. The four AFSCME sheriff’s Locals in Cook County that have been in universal bargaining with us are headed into interest arbitration. Because the police locals are not allowed to strike, interest arbitration is an available method of settling contract terms. Essentially, interest arbitration requires both sides to propose their “best offer” and then the arbitrator chooses one of the two proposals as the award. Needless to say, the incentive is for both parties to propose realistic offers. The offers made by the County thus far in bargaining, have not been realistic. It is hoped that the interest arbitration for the four sheriff’s locals will have a positive impact on the pace of our current bargaining with the County.
Labor Management Meetings
Four times a year, members of the Executive Board sit with high ranking members of management in an off the record, informal, wide ranging discussion of issues affecting the office. The next meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2010. We welcome suggestions from our membership for issues and topics of concern that would be appropriate for the meetings. Feel free to pass on your suggestions by forwarding an email to
Summer Jack Carey Scholarship Deadline
Just a friendly reminder, the deadline for the Jack Carey Scholarship’s $2500 summer stipend is April 1, 2010. If you have a 2L or 3L clerk working with you or who is interested in working in the office this summer, please have them apply. Here is the link.
Facebook Page
If you are surfing the pages of Facebook, make sure to become a fan of the Local’s Facebook Page. There you can find pictures, announcements, and links to relevant information for all Local members.
In Solidarity,
K. S. Galhotra