Throughout this budget process, many numbers have been thrown into the public eye as the accurate reflection of the number of assistant public defenders that will actually be laid off. These numbers have come from Mr. Burnette, from the County, from newspapers, and from other sources like rumor. We all want to know the final and accurate number of any potential layoffs as soon as possible. The sooner we know this, the better. As you can imagine, things would be much easier for the Executive Board if we were able to simply put this issue to rest and announce a definitive number.
The fact remains that a definitive number still does not exist, and we are still actively working to try to preclude the necessity for any layoffs. We continue to be involved in the budget process, working with Commissioners and others who may have effect in the current budget reconciliation process. For instance, on Thursday we requested a meeting with Mr. Burnette to discuss the ongoing budget error reconciliation process. The meeting took place Friday morning. We are aware that discretionary money is floating around that could be used to restore attorney positions, and we discussed this with Burnette, in addition to discussing other ideas for generating revenue that could save attorney positions in our office. If anything good comes of this activity, we will let you know.
While this step in the budget process (the error reconciliation process) is murkier than earlier steps, it nonetheless is a step in the process where layoff numbers are still being determined. We could stop now that the Commissioners have voted on a budget, resign ourselves to whatever outcome results, and save ourselves a lot of headache and work. But as long as we have a chance to save some jobs, we will continue to fight.
As for layoff numbers reported around town, we cannot control that, nor can we respond to every instance of someone claiming that they know the number. When we have a number that is worthy of reporting, we will announce it here promptly.
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