Budget Update and Layoff Notices

We are aware that some assistant public defenders have received layoff notices.  We have been aware since late last week that these notices were a possibility.  Here is what we can tell you at this time: 

The Alternative Budget proposed by a broad coalition of Commissioners last week calls for the retention of all front-line assistant public defenders.  This is the budet plan we support as the best way to address the current county budget crisis.

 When we first learned of possible layoff notices last week, we began communicating with the Commissioners who drafted and support the Alternative Budget.  It is the expressed desire of these Commissioners to retain all front-line assistant public defenders.  We continue to stay in communication with Commissioners this week as the budget process nears conclusion.

While some layoffs are a real possibility as a result of this budget battle, receiving a layoff notice now does not necessarily mean that layoffs will occur.  The budget process in ongoing.  While layoff notices are distressing, the budget battle will continue, and we will contiue to seek support from Commissioners for a fully-staffed public defenders office.  This battle will continue, and none of us knows what the final budget will look like until after the Commissioners vote on the budget.

For those assistant public defenders who received layoff notices, feel free to call Brendan Max or Bob Galhotra with any further questions.  We will post another update here when we have for information for publication.