New Website Announcement

Welcome Brothers and Sisters to our new website. Your Union Executive Board is committed to communicating effectively with our hundreds of members spread all over Cook County. To that end, the Board made the reformation and operation of this new website a top priority. As you will see by navigating this site, the new website contains much needed information and communication. This website will provide updates on issues of importance to all our members, including:

  • The latest in activities of the Union Executive Board,
  • Updates on meetings and negotiations with representatives of the Public Defender,
  • Contact information for Board members and Union Stewards,
  • Members-only access for communication between members and the Executive Board,
  • A calendar of upcoming events and dates of importance, and
  • Links to other helpful websites.

This website will replace the old union newsletter. When updates are posted on this site, such as new “President’s Messages” and new “In The News” postings, you will receive an email notice directing you to access this site and view the new information. This way, we can provide timely and complete communication about the business of our Union.In addition to this information, our new website allows for ready access to your Union Officers for any questions or comments you have.

Our goal for this site is simple: keep the site updated with current information and listen to your comments about how to modify and improve the content. Please take some time to tour the site and discover what’s here. While you browse, we encourage you to consider sending us ideas. Feel free to send submissions for the “In The News” section, where we will be happy to display postings of general interest to our members. While the Executive Board will work diligently to maintain this site, a true measure of the worth of the site will be gauged by member use and participation.

Here is a brief description of some features of this site:

  • Click on “In the News” and get updated information about our Union and other matters that affect our work. This information will be updated regularly, and you can register to receive email notice of updated content.
  • Click on “Stewards and Grievances” and get information on resolving workplace problems. Included here are names and contact information for stewards, as well as grievance forms and a description of the grievance process.
  • Click on “Hot Legal Topics” to browse summaries of new case law and other timely tips affecting your practice of criminal law.
  • Click on “Members Only” and register to gain access to this password-protected area where the Executive Board can provide information intended only for members of our Local.
  • Click on “Contact Us” and use this portal to communicate with the Board and to submit any ideas or content for this site.

See you at the Christmas Party. Tom.

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