Below are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the current budget crisis and its effects on the Public Defender Office:
Q: Does the Public Defender budget proposal currently include 4-day work weeks and 10-day furloughs?
A: Yes.
Q: Has the Union been provided with an official layoff list yet?
A: No. We demanded one from Management, and they claim not to have one at this time.
Q: Will APDs designated for layoff have meetings with AFSCME?
A: Yes. AFSCME will arrange meetings with the Human Resource Division of Cook County to go over any possible job openings for which APDs have priority.
Q: What is a APD start date for purposes of layoffs?
A: The day you started as an assistant public defender with the office, minus any unpaid leave.
Q: Can supervisors re-enter the bargaining unit?
A: See the applicable CBA provision.
Q: Does an APD on layoff have to continue paying union dues in order to preserve callback rights?
A: No.
Q: Are there any AFSCME programs to assist APDs who are laid off?
A: No. Anyone designated for layoff will be eligible for unemployment compensation as well as COBRA medical insurance benefits. If you have further questions about the effects of layoff on life insurance, pensions, and other benefits, please call AFSCME Council 31 at (312)641-6060.
Q: If an APD is in transition from Grade I to Grade II at the time of the layoff, at which level will they receive unemployment benefits?
A: Unemployment benefits are calculated on an employee’s final paycheck before layoff, so the Grade I rate will apply unless you have already begun to receive Grade II pay. Also, if you are recalled from layoff and had not received Grade II pay yet, you will be re-instated at Grade I pay.
In addition, please familiarize yourself with our CBA, which can be downloaded from the “Stewards and Grievances” page of this website.