As you know, we all must complete Mandatory Continuing Legal Education now in order to maintain our law licenses. The Illinois MCLE Board allows legal organizations in Illinois to apply for Accredited Provider status, so that in-house training can satisfy the MCLE requirements without attorneys having to pay out-of-pocket for outside training. Your Union Executive Board started pushing this Office months ago to obtain Accredited Provider status. Now, even though 82 different legal organizations have obtained this Accredited Provider status, our Office still has not done so. Therefore, our Office is far behind many others in preparing to meet the MCLE needs of their members.
Here is a sample of other legal organizations that have taken this important step on behalf of their employees: Cook County State’s Attorney, Cook County Guardian Office, Illinois Attorney General, the Illinois Chapter of the Academy of Matrimonial Attorneys, The Bankruptcy Association of Southern Illinois, The Decalogue Society, The International Council of Shopping Centers, the Pro Bono Center for Disability and Elder Law, and the Society of Illinois Construction Attorneys.
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