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We have collected most of the “Postcards to Todd” from our members but are still awaiting a few cards. If you didn’t get a card, please call Local 3315 Secretary Amy Thompson at 26th Street (6989). If you still have your card, sign it and send it in to Amy as soon as you can. Our plan is to hand deliver these cards to the County Board President to remind him to continue in contract negotiations with the County locals. Our scheduled negotiation session for Monday, March 30th was abrubptly cancelled a few days ago. And this occurs at a time when the union was reminding the County that it was expecting a wage proposal at the next meeting. There has been no wage proposal in over six months of meetings. Your signed card reminds the County Board President that we work hard and deserve a fair contract which includes reasonable wage increases and affordable, quality health care. This is a goal that is difficult to disagree with.
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