March Update

I want to update the membership on a few topics. 

The Cook County Jail  Correctional Officers are having elections on MARCH 17 and MARCH 19 to decide which labor union will be representing them.  If they vote for AFSCME, they will help keep AFSCME the largest union representing  Cook County workers.  That strength in numbers (3000 additional members) can pay big dividents at the bargaining table. So it is in our interests to encourage them to vote AFSCME.  When heading to the jail for visits, don your sticker that says “VOTE AFSCME” – it should be available next to the jail sheets next week.  Need one? See me.

Speaking of bargaining table, most of you should have now signed a postcard that we will send to President Stroger to remind him we want a fair contract at the table.  So far, the County has only been talking about takebacks and have  presented no wage increase.  This is a job action folks.  The union wants complete participation.  It’s even easier than wearing a button or sticker to court –  and a lot easier than walking a line while holding a picket.  So please make sure you sign one and if you need one, call union local secretary, Amy Thompson at 26th street (869-6989).

The 1% arbitration went well on February 27th.  We were represented well by Catherine Struzsinsky of AFSCME.  The union called two witnesses, Mike Newman and Peter Schmaltz, who both handled the negotiations at the table during the last contract bargaining.  The County was represented by ASA Greg Vaci and he called one witness, Jonathon Rothstein, who was a special labor counsel to John Stroger at the time.  Due to time constraints, I cannot abstract the hearing here in this post.   But a decison from the arbitrartor is expeceted shortly and I am very optimistic about the outcome and  very satisfied with the testimony heard at the arbitration.

Our local elections are coming up on May 7th, 2009.  But first, there will be a nomination meeting at 3:30 pm on Thursday, April 2, 2009 at the cafeteria on the second floor of the Cook County Criminal Courts Administrations Building located at 2650 S. California.  Come and nominate a candidate of your choosing to run for union office.  You must be present to nominate someone.  The constitution is available on our website as a link under the Stewards and Grievances tab and notices were sent out by U.S. Mail to the address the local has on file.  The notices went out the week of 2/16; if you didn’t get it,  it’s probably an old address we have,  so please update your address in writing with the local.

And yes, it looks like A.C. Cunningham will be Ed Burnette’s successor.  I will have more to say about Judge Cunningham, in a future posting.

In Solidarity,


K.S. Galhotra

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