Feb. 17 rally will build momentum

AFSCME members will join with other union members at a Rally to Support the Employee Free Choice Act. An all-out fight is brewing over the legislation, with big business groups pouring millions of dollars into their anti-union campaign. The national AFL-CIO is leading the free-choice offensive, countering the millions of dollars the bosses are spending by raising millions of working people’s voices to demand the freedom to form unions and bargain for a better life. To give Chicago-area workers a chance to speak out, the Illinois AFL-CIO and the Chicago Federation of labor are holding a “Rally to Support the Employee Free Choice Act.” All AFSCME members are urged to attend this rally at 5:30 p.m., on Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the Plumbers Hall, 1340 W. Washington Boulevard in Chicago. Click here for a flyer you can download and distribute.
Working people are struggling to get by, and America’s middle class is disappearing. But when workers try to form unions and bargain for a better life, corporations use coercion and harassment to stop them. The Employee Free Choice Act would restore workers’ freedom to decide for themselves—without employer intimidation—whether to form unions and bargain for better wages, benefits and a voice on the job.
The Employee Free Choice Act would:

Establish stronger penalties when companies violate the rights of workers forming unions and negotiating first contracts.
Provide mediation and arbitration when workers and the employer can’t agree on a first contract.
Allow workers to form unions and bargain once a majority signs authorization cards.
Click here for a flyer you can download and distribute.

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