Are You Doing Grade 3 Work, But Getting Grade 2 Pay?

Under our collective bargaining agreement, the union is allowed to request a job audit of attorneys whom the Union identifies as working out of their classification .  The purpose is to show the human resources department that you should be reclassified and upgraded because of the actual work you are doing.  In order to determine who those individuals are, we (the local) are asking that you tell us if you think you are working out of classification.  This seems particularly to be an issue for Grade 2s. 

So, here is what you need to do if you want the union to ask you to be audited:

1.  Send a memo or letter to me infoming me of your name, job site, grade, and seniority date.

2.  Describe in detail your current assignment and the kind of work you are doing (e.g. representing four defendants on armed robbery cases with a firearm; three defendants on attempt murder charges; two defendant’s with natural life cases; one case case involving an expert witness that was retained by the office to testify as to fingerprint identification; one insanity case, etc.).  Please try to give a total caseload number as well.  In addition, please be mindful of confidentiality issues.

3.  Tell me how long you believe you have been working out of grade.

4.  Submit any motions you filed, statistics you submitted or any other documents  that you would like the union to consider.

5.  Get me your memo or letter by OCTOBER 31, 2008 (Deadline).

In Solidarity,

K. S. Galhotra


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