Dear Brother and Sister Assistant Public Defenders:As we head into Labor Day weekend, I wanted us to pause a minute and reflect on what that day really means to us: cookouts, parades and the end of summer. Is that what you were thinking? Were you thinking pulling weeds, painting porches and entertaining in-laws? Well maybe what we all need is a little labor history education.On September 1st, Labor Day, at 2:00 pm, there will be a very special event taking place at the Pullman Factory Building. The event is being sponsored by the Illinois AFL-CIO, the Illinois Labor History Society, the Chicago Black History Society, and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement among others. This is in lieu of the usual extravaganza put on at Navy Pier. There will be Music, Food- Picnics, tours of the Landmark Pullman Historic District and special “appearances” by Eugene Debs, A. Philip Randolph, Jennie Curtiss and Franklin D. Roosevelt – after all, it is the 75th Anniversary of the New Deal. Here are two links to more information on the celebration. Admission is free!Whatever you do this weekend, please drive carefully and be safe.In Solidarity,K.S.G.