Holiday Party 2016

The Holiday party will be held on December 2, 2016 at Joe’s Bar on Weed St., located at 940 West Weed Street, starting at 6:30p.m., and ending at 10 p.m. We have the room until 4am.  We will be in the Chapter Room. Valet parking is available at a cost of $14. There is also street parking in the vicinity. You must RSVP to:

This party is for members and their guests only. Each member will be allowed to bring one guest at a cost of $25. Law clerks that are currently with the office will be allowed to attend at no cost. There will be a raffle similar to last year’s.

If you are bringing a guest, in addition to sending the RSVP to the email above, please make checks payable to AFSCME Local 3315 and send via interoffice mail to Mark Douglass, Local 3315 VP/Chief Steward, at 26th St., 8th floor.

You must RSVP. There will be a list at the door and if you are not on the list you may be turned away by Joe’s Staff