The Holiday party will be held on December 11, 2015 at Joe’s Bar on Weed St., located at 940 West Weed Street, starting at 6:30p.m., and ending at 10 p.m. But we have the room to 4am. We will be in the Chapter Room. Valet parking is available at a cost of $12 and street parking in the vicinity.You must RSVP to the email for the party:
This party is for members and their guests. Each member will be allowed to bring one guest at a cost of $25. Law clerks who are currently with the office will be allowed to attend at no cost. Please make checks payable to AFSCME Local 3315 and send via interoffice mail to Mark Douglass, Local 3315 VP/Chief Steward, at 26th St., 7th floor. An RSVP is required for all who are attending member (guest, or law clerk) ,