Issues of Concern

As we enter into the second half of 2008, it seems like a good time to pause and address some issues of concern to the membership. 

In order to gear up for our next contract, I have asked Arlene Floren, a steward at CIVIL, to chair the survey committee.  She will be in charge of creating a survey so the local can assess the issues that are important to the membership.  Your participation in the survey (which may be online) is vital to the local leadership having an accurate understanding of the things that are important to the members.  If you have thoughts on what should be in the survey, please contact Sister Floren at CIVIL.As you know, the current contract expires November 30, 2008.  It’s a shame that even three and a half years into the contract, the County has not lived up to its obligation of printing it for distribution to the membership.  This website, in a previous posting, has a red-lined version for your perusal but it doesn’t have a pay grid.  The last available pay grid can be found at the County website in the appendix to the budget.  That grid, however, is the pay scale in effect as of 12/1/07.

Speaking of pay grids, where is that retro check?  If I had a dollar for each time this month that I heard the word retro, I could probably fill up the gas tank on my car.  The rumor was that it would come with the paycheck we got today on the 30th of May.  Obviously, that didn’t happen and each call I have made to the Comptroller’s office has gone unanswered.  I will say this much: we will get the retro and we will litigate before the appropriate tribunal our demand for interest on the retro.  What more can I say?

And when you voted for or against the last contract ratification, you will remember that we were to get an extra 1% pay increase on top of the 2.75% increase that is to go into effect after the first full pay period after 6/1/08.  This was an attempt to offset the additional burden we will be carrying for health  insurance that also goes into effect the same day.  As I mentioned in a previous posting, the County is saying they didn’t TA(tentative agreement) that pay plan – even though they presented it to us and are agreeing to all other AFSCME local’s pay plans.  This is unacceptable and is the subject of, as yet, an unscheduled arbitration.  But the arbitrator has been selected.

Judge Riley heard arguments in the motion to dismiss filed by President Stroger today and decided to keep the suit alive.  The only count that was dismissed in its entirety is the count having to do with injunctive relief for the job terminations and layoffs.  The prayer for relief for count 1 asked for back-pay and reinstatement of laid off attorneys.  While all members who were laid off were recalled, the back-pay issue is still one that we are pursuing.  The pursuit, though, is via our intervenor petition and complaint.  That has now been placed on a breifing schedule with the next status date set for 7/21/08.  In short, this case is not even close to being over.

For those who have been following the Chicago Police Department’s SOS unit’s problems, you are no doubt aware that Katie Couric will be airing an interview with a crooked cop on CBS’s news magazine 60 minutes.  The broadcast will be on Channel 2 on Sunday, 6/1/08 at 6pm.  You can hear a simulcast on WBBM AM 780.Watch the show.  You may see someone you have cross-examined before.  But this time you will not only see a cop admit he lied — but tell how he learned how to do so from his supervisors. In Solidarity, K. S. Galhotra