First I would like to congratulate all of the candidates that ran in the last election. While not everyone can win, the fact that so many were willing to take the time out of their lives by putting their names up for consideration for elected office shows the great dedication that those individuals have to the betterment of this union and the representation of all of our members. So thank you all again for your interest in the election. Voter turn out for this election was amazing and your voices have been heard.
The contract negotiations continue June 12th. There are still a couple of issues that need to be worked out. The two major issues are the timing of the wage increases and the complete insurance package. Hopefully this will happen on the 12th.
Now for the fun stuff. Save the following dates:
July 10th, 2015 for the Public Defender Boat Cruise.
August 13th, 2015 for the Annual Gold Outing.
More details will follow soon on how to reserve your spot for both of these events.
Finally, if you are not getting the emails from the local, or know a member that is not getting the emails, please contact me at This is an important tool for the board to keep all of our members informed of what’s happening in our union.
In Solidarity
Kevin Ochalla
President AFSCME Local 3315