On Tuesday, Bob presided over his final Executive Board meeting. At this meeting, the Board accepted the resignations of Bob and Amy, who both will transition to positions with Management starting next week. It was a bittersweet moment for many of us. We, of course, are happy that Management selected two highly qualified candidates for Supervisor. But we are also sad for the loss of 2 people who have done so much for our Local, and who have worked selflessly to make the Office of the Public Defender the best that it can be. Under Bob’s leadership, our Local has grown into a strong voice for important issues that affect assistant public defenders. During Bob’s tenure, we fought off several rounds of layoffs, passed a County ordinance specifically recognizing our Public Defender union rights, and modernized the way the Executive Board communicates with the members. Needless to say, their talents and dedication will be missed.
Also on Tuesday, by operation of our Constitution and votes of the Executive Board, the vacancies on the Board were filled. The new Board is as follows:
President- Brendan Max
V. President- Presita West
Treasurer- Mark Douglass
Secretary- Sarah Resnick
At Large- Joe Gump, Tim Leeming, Kevin Ochalla
On April 15, 2013, the Local will hold its Nomination Meeting for all Executive Board positions. At 4pm on April 15, members are invited to the Juvenile Court auditorium to offer nominations for the Board. Our Local election will follow on May 14th.