It’s time for Executive Board (E.BD) Elections. All seats are up for election, as are two of the trustee positions. The E. BD is elected for a 2 year term that runs from July 2013- June 2015. The trustees each have 3 year terms. The offices of the E. BD to be decided in this election are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and 3 Executives-at-Large. The relevant dates and locations are as follows:
Nomination meeting:
April 15, 2013, 4:00 pm, Juvenile Court Auditorium
May 14, 2013, 9:00 am-3:30 pm, @ all major work sites
May 21, 2013 9:00 am-3:30 pm, @ all major work sites
Candidates need not be present at the nomination meeting, but only nominations made live at the time of the nomination meeting will be accepted. Any full member in good standing is eligible to run for any office or for trustee. Voting must be done in person. No absentee ballots or proxy voting is permitted. If, for any position except for executive-at-large, one nominee fails to get more than 50% of the cast votes, there will be a run-off election of the two nominees receiving the most votes. For Executive-at –Large, the three nominees with the highest vote totals will be deemed elected.
A notice with identical language is being mailed to each member’s registered home address. Please visit this website for additional information and candidate statements, etc.