September Update

Brothers and Sisters:

It’s been too long since I penned a President’s message, but with the kids back to school, Labor Day and Nutshell in the rearview mirror, I thought I would let you know what’s going on before things really got busy as they usually do this time of year.

Upcoming Contract Negotitations

The current contract expires at the end of this November.  While it has self-renewal clause, notice has been given to the county for renegotiating the contract.  By now, you should have received a contract survey in an email from me.  This survey, written by Council 31, will be used in gauging what is important to the members in universal negotiations.  In addition, if you have contract language you would like the board to consider, please forward that to me as soon as possible but no later than Septermber 14,

Parking Fee

The courthouse parking fee arbitration has been postponed to January, 2013.  The county revealed that it has to redo the RFP for the parking lots and that process will lead to implementation no earlier than February of 2013.  And county has shown a new found willingness to negotiate and bargainon  this issue, which is fine, but we still have a January date for arbitration should efforts fail. The arbitrator is confident he can provide a ruling prior to the implementation of any parking fee.  As usual, I will keep you posted on this topic.

Presidential and Congressional Races – General Election 2012

If you were captivated and inspired as I was by the speeches this week at the DNC in Charlotte, maybe you are willing to help in the Obama 2012 campaign.  If you are, please let me know and I will give you information on how to get involved with Council 31’s phone bank which uses a predictive dialing system that you can use even from your own home phone to call union members and remind them to vote in the general election.  This is a very important election and everyone of us should participate because so much is at stake, from health care and the composition of the Supreme Court to immigration and student loans.  Voting, as President Obama says, is not about him, but about you.

HBC Retro Mistake Check

I hear that the holiday bond court retro “refund” checks are going to be in the September 14 paycheck.  People who did not send back the acknowledgement form can always recoup the overpayment when they do their 2012 taxes.

New Members

5 new members joined the office in June of this year, 4 began last week and 3 more should be hired by the end of the fiscal year.

Promotional Opportunities

I understand that promotions from 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 are budgeted for 2013.  If you plan on applying for promotion, this may be a good time to begin preparing to compile the information you will need for the application (motions, trials, partners, seminars attended, cross examinations of experts, etc.) as there are always time constraints once the posting goes up.

Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship

The Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship will be having its 10th Anniversary this year.  Remember, 11/1/2012 is the deadline for the Spring 2013 $2500 scholarship.  If you know a deserving clerk, make sure you direct them to the website so they can send in an application.

Solidarity with other Unions

This Labor Day, many of you participated in the Rally at Daley Plaza.  The rally, attended by an estimated 18,000 union activists, teachers, neighbors and students showed how the community can come together and support hard working and dedicated professionals like Chicago Public School teachers.  The labor struggle they are engaged in, with a strike notice on file, is a barometer of the current attitude government leaders are taking with public unions.  The State contract is currently in bargaining as will be the City of Chicago contract, shortly.  We need to make sure we support our brothers and sisters in the other professions and trades because there may come a time when we need their support too!


The budget cycle is underway and the officers of this local and Council 31 willl keep an eye on it and mobilize the membership if necessary.

In Solidarity,


K.S. Galhotra
