By law, the county needs to pass its budget ordinance by the 29th of February and as we have seen in recent days, they are still a vote shy of getting additonal revenue through a tax increase.Efforts were made by your local leadership to get a meeting with the Editorial Board of the Chicago Tribune so we could explain to them the dire straits our office is in — but the requests apparently fell on deaf ears at the ivory tower on Michigan Avenue.Brothers and sisters, you know that things today are more expensive then they were a few years ago whether it be your mortgage payment, the cost of a gallon of gasoline, or a gallon of milk in your fridge. In a Sun Times article by Cheryl Jackson today, it was reported that from 12/06 to 12/07 the cost of milk went up 22% and eggs 32.6%. Yet some people (like the folks at the civic federation) just don’t understand why a county that ran just fine in 1998 dollars can’t do so ten years later.True, there is some waste in County government. When a hospital system fails to pursue federal reimbursement for care and treatment of patients, the system begins to fail itself. Everyone knows of the tens of millions of dollars the hospital system has lost because of incompetence in billing. We lost anywhere between $40 million and $120 mililon from inept billing practices, according to a report issued last September by the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. That report went on to predict that cuts in Medicare funding will total more than $500 million over the next five years.So what do we need? We need two things. First, we need a modest tax increase. If 1.25% is too much maybe it’s a good idea to try something a bit less. But commissioners who are categorically opposed to any new taxes need to face the reality that more revenue is not just a want, but a need. Secondly, we need to take the Cook County Bureau of Health Services away from the politicians and into the hands of a competent and professional Board of Trustees. This was exactly what was recommended in another report commissioned by the County. Those two things. increasing revenue and reforming the hospital system, are what you should ask your commissioner to do. Who is your commissioner? And which district do you live in? Just click and find out. And then make the phone call. Leave a message if they aren’t in. Real revenue and real reform. By law, it’s what this county needs.
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