Castaways Party Information

It is time to start preparing for the Union Summer Bash.  This year we will be returning to Castaways Bar and Grill on North Avenue Beach.  The party will be held on August 12th, starting at 6:00pm and going to 10:00pm.
Please reserve your spot now by sending a refundable check made out to the Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship Fund for $15.  Law clerks may attend free, but the attorney they work for, or they themselves, must reserve their spot by sending a seperate $15 refundable check.  Guests of members are also welcome for a cost of $35 (no refund for guests) which will be donated to the Jack Carey Scholarship Fund.  All checks must be received by Mark Douglass, at 26th Street on the 8th Floor, through interoffice mail or in person, no later than August 8th, 2011.  There will be NO EXCEPTIONS this year.  Asking for special consideration will disqualify you from attendance and any bounced check (NSF) will result in disqualification from attendance at the next 3 Union sponsored events.  Seating is limited so don’t delay.

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