Four More Lawyers Get Recalled From Layoff

Calls to four laid off attorneys were being made on Tuesday September 25th notifying them that they needed to appear at the County building to take their medical to get clearance for recall. They should be back at work on the day after Columbus Day. The attorneys are Andrea Bonds, Shelley Blair, Joe Stachler and Kim Tallon. Welcome back to all of them.

Below is a little note from Shelley Blair about the whole experience and her communication with the local:

I am writing to thank the Union for all their hard work in getting me back to work-I just found out today that I have been recalled.

When I got laid off at the end of April, I really did not know what I was going to do. The Union reps never guaranteed they could get my job back-but they guaranteed they would try. Over the last five months, there were times it seemed hopeless that I would ever be recalled. Just about everyone, not PD-related, was very pessimistic-and with good reason–the layoffs, after all, did not make very much sense.

The one thing that kept my hopes alive and my spirits up was my constant communication with Bob Galhotra. When you are out of a job, keeping your hopes and spirits alive means a lot. While I wasn’t always filled in on exactly what the Union was doing, Bob Galhotra remained in constant contact with me. I probably emailed him once every two weeks-sometimes more, and he ALWAYS got back to me within hours. While he could not always disclose what was going on ‘behind closed doors,’ he was always honest with me and answered all my questions. This means a lot to someone who has lost their job and wants nothing more than to come back. I write this with full confidence in our Union and that they will continue to try to remedy all that was wrong with the layoffs.

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