Holiday Party 2016

The Holiday party will be held on December 2, 2016 at Joe’s Bar on Weed St., located at 940 West Weed Street, starting at 6:30p.m., and ending at 10 p.m. We have the room until 4am.  We will be in the Chapter Room. Valet parking is available at a cost of $14. There is also street parking in the vicinity. You must RSVP to:

This party is for members and their guests only. Each member will be allowed to bring one guest at a cost of $25. Law clerks that are currently with the office will be allowed to attend at no cost. There will be a raffle similar to last year’s.

If you are bringing a guest, in addition to sending the RSVP to the email above, please make checks payable to AFSCME Local 3315 and send via interoffice mail to Mark Douglass, Local 3315 VP/Chief Steward, at 26th St., 8th floor.

You must RSVP. There will be a list at the door and if you are not on the list you may be turned away by Joe’s Staff

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The Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship Board invites you to an afternoon of summer baseball at the Friendly Confines. The scholarship, in it 14th year, awards up to three $2500 scholarships each ear to outstanding law clerks at the Cook County Public Defender in memory of  Jack Carey an original organizer and President of Local 3315

When:         8-18-16

Where         Wrigley Field

Cost             $60.00

Includes a ticket to the game and an after party at the GMan Tavern, 3740 N. Clark St. Details TBD

Tickets available from Mark Douglass 26th Street; Bob Galhotra Juvenile and MDD; Thoe Thomas 26th Street; Melissa Smejkal

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Golf Outing

Union Golf Outing: August 25, 2016

Local 3315 will be having its annual golf outing on August 25, 2016, at Eaglewood in Itasca. This was the place where we held our outing last year and all had a great time. The outing includes 18 holes of golf with a cart, lunch at the turn, dinner and drinks.

Check out the resort’s website at, for directions and available amenities.  We have access to the pool and can rent bowling alleys if there are any takers.

Members who do not golf can come for drinks and dinner. Please respond to the email below to RSVP.

Non-union members must pay $50 at the door to participate.

Please contact Mark Douglass at 26th and California to reserve your spot for golf and/or drinks and dinner at

If you have a foursome, then please list all names when you respond.  The deadline is 8/19/2016. (When responding please use your personal email, not your county email.)

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Boat Cruise

Always a good time so reserve your spot on the Chicago’s First Lady, which will be boarding at 7:30 pm and will leave the dock on July 8th, 2016 at 8:00 pm SHARP! The boat is docked at the south east corner of Michigan Ave. and Wacker Drive. Take the stairs down to the boat and look for the blue awning. (Parking is available: check the web at for directions info, etc. )

Please reserve your spot now by sending a refundable check made out to the Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship Fund for $15. One law clerk per member may attend free, but the member they work for, or they themselves, must reserve their spot by sending a separate $15 refundable check. Guests of members are also welcome for a cost of $95 (no refund for guests) and made payable to AFSCME Local 3315.

Food by Harry Carey’s, top shelf libations and live music on the upper deck!

All checks must be received by Mark Douglass, at 26th Street on the 8th Floor, through interoffice mail or in person, no later than July 5th, 2016. Like last year, there will be NO EXCEPTIONS. And once again, please remember that any bounced check (NSF) will result in disqualification from attendance at the next 3 Union sponsored events. Seating is limited so don’t delay.

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Election Results

The official election results are as follows:
Colleen Gorman = 101
Arthur “Wes” Willis = 119
Congratulations to Wes. Thank you to Colleen for a close race.

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Candidate Colleen Gorman

My name is Colleen Gorman, and I am running for the position of Executive at Large. Currently, I am assigned to the felony trial division at 26th and California.  My preceding assignments include child protection and misdemeanor court.

Prior to being hired by the Public Defender’s Office, I began my career as an attorney for the Speaker of the House in Springfield, drafting bills and shepherding them through the legislative process. The negotiating skills I acquired through this experience provide me with a solid background for working with management and the County Board.

When I started at our Office, over 6 years ago, I immediately became active in our Union and trained as a Steward within my first few months.  I have had continued participation with the union throughout my career.

I believe it is important for new and different people to work in leadership positions in order to bring fresh perspectives into our office. I believe that I can bring new, creative “outside the box” ideas that will further strengthen our Union and Office.

If elected, I will work to continue to improve the transparency of the union’s work on behalf of its members.  I will be a resource for members to come to for help finding answers on issues such as leaves of absence, union benefits, grievance policy and others.  I will have an open door policy and if I don’t know the answer I will find it.

Please vote for Colleen Gorman for Executive at Large!!


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Candidate Arthur “Wes” Willis

I started with the Cook County Public Defender’s office in February of 1995. First assigned to Child Protection for a whole month (lucky me!) then shipped off to First Municipal.  I stayed in First Muni, working the Branch Courts, Domestic Violence and the Jury room until 2000. I then made the move to 26th Street where I stayed until 2013.  Currently I am assigned to Markham (and I like parentheses).

In my personal life, I am married to Julie Willis (nee Hill) also a public defender.  I am the product of a proud union family as my parents were lifelong union members.  I walked the picket lines with both.  I am an Elder at my church, and have been for 10 years, prior to that I was a trustee (I’m a churchy guy).

I started working with the union while in First Muni as a steward there and for a time while at 26th.  I handled grievances for promotions, involuntary transfers and disciplinary actions.  I remember when we actually had to stage a walkout for the administration to understand our concerns. In my 21 years in the Office, I’ve seen how four different administrations act in regards to what they perceive as problems and react to what we know are problems.

I am running because we are in a position where a new administration seems to believes that they can dictate what is to happen without discussion.  This happens whenever there is change and our response, as a union, as a collective voice, will either let them do as they will or force them to work with us and not against us.  The practice of law is an art form and we are all artists, with different ways to reach that same goal — what is best for our client.

I am running to be one of those voices that needs to stand firm and speak loudly on our behalf.  I ask for your support.

Be Bold and Stay Strong,

Arthur ‘Wes’ Willis

That Justice is a blind goddess is a thing to which we Black are wise;

Her bandage hides two festering sores that once perhaps were eyes.

—-Langston Hughes



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May 18th Election for Executive at Large Board Member

On May 18th Local 3315 will hold an election for the position of Executive at Large for the Union Board. This is a one year term to fill the vacancy of Sarah Garza Resnick. Brett Gallagher assumed Sarah’s duties as Secretary. The candidates for his position are as follows in alphabetical order. Information about times and locations for voting will be coming.

Colleen Gorman

Arthur “Wes” Willis

The 3 year term of Trustee was filled by Ruth McBeth. She was the only nominee for this position.

The 2 year term of Trustee was filled by Barry Horewitch. He was the only nominee for this position.

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General Membership Meeting

On Thursday we will be having a General Membership meeting as well as a nomination meeting for several vacancies.

The nomination meeting will commence at 4 pm on Thursday April 21st in the cafeteria on the second floor at 26th and California. The offices open are:

Executive at large: A one year term to fill the vacancy of Sarah Garza Resnick, Secretary who left the office. The Secretary position was filled by Brett Gallagher

Trustee: 3 year term, this is a full term for the this position

Trustee: 2 year term to fill the vacancy of Mary Butterton, who left the office.

Nominations MUST be made in person at this meeting.  The nominee does not need to be present to accept the nomination. If you want to put your name in for a position and cannot make the meeting you must have someone in person at the meeting to nominate you.

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