A New Year, A New Look

Sisters and Brothers,

2011 has been a very tough year for this local, but despite it all, we have met each challenge with strength and resolve.

President P began the year with the FY2011 budget battle that threatened the layoffs of, at one time, some 60 assistant public defenders.  Together, we were able to advocate effectively to prevent layoffs in our office.  Then we voted on whether or not to take 10 furlough days and you the members spoke and rejected  the County’s furlough proposal.  And after  more than 30 months of contract negotiations, we ratified a four year contract with the County that contained a modest wage increase with no change in health care.  Then, for the second time in nine months, we had to fight again to rescind layoff notices that were sent to ten our our attorneys and 27 of our investigators in anticipation of FY2012.  Despite our best efforts, 18 of our support staff were laid off.  And in addition to the highlights above, consider the following list which is by no means complete:

  • we participated in the We are One Rally
  • we supported our sisters and brothers in Wisconsin
  • we held our annual summer party at Castaways
  • we held our annual golf outing Eaglewood Resort
  • we elected new officers for the 2011-2013 term
  • we held general membership meetings at 26th St and Juvenile Court
  • we maintained this website and revamped it (like the new look?)
  • we maintained a facebook page
  • we provided email messages to all members on our burst list (approx 300)
  • we fought cuts to pension benefits by lobbying the general assembly
  • we met the goal of having one certified steward for every 20 members
  • we maintained 100% full membership
  • we sent a delegation to the Council 31 State Convention
  • we won Council 31’s Winners Circle Award for our superior level of PEOPLE MVP member participation
  • we awarded the 27, 28th and 29th Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship
  • we conducted a survey of membership
In the year to come, we are sure there will be more challenges, and with our collective resolve, we will meet them head on.  We will fight to make sure our rights under our agreements are enforced and we will continue to fight for what’s just and fair.  We won’t back down!
On behalf of the Executive Board of Local 3315, I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
In Solidarity,
K. S. Galhotra
President, Local 3315
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Jason Lee wins 29th Jack Carey Memorial Scholarship

Congratulations to Jason Lee, a DePaul Law student expected to graduate in May, 2012.  Jason is the 29th recipient of the scholarship named in memory of Local 3315’s former president, John T. (“Jack”) Carey.  Jason was awarded the $2500 scholarship for the Spring of 2012 and is currently clerking for brother William Woelkers who is assigned to the Honorable James B. Linn’s courtroom.

As a 711 law student in Judge Linn’s courtroom, Jason has litigated three jury trials, including an Armed Robbery and has also tried four bench trials including Attempt Murder.  He has opened, closed and done both direct and cross of various witnesses in those trials and has participated in voir dire.  In addition, he drafted a motion for JNOV in a natural life, predatory criminal sexual assault case that was GRANTED.

Jason has been volunteering as a clerk  in the office since January of 2011 and put in 40 hours a week during the summer.  In addition to working for Willam Woelkers, he also assisted his partner, Patrick White, filing and arguing motions to quash arrest and suppress evidence and preparing and presenting an alibi witness in an attempt murder case.

On behalf of the Local and the selection committee of the scholarship fund, well done, Jason!

Oppose President P’s Budget Proposal!

Brothers and Sisters:
This week County Board President P unveiled her very disappointing FY 12 budget plan which includes the loss of more than $50 million in revenue as the result of her decision to remove ¼ of one percent of the sales tax.
The dollars lost from that decision alone would have saved nearly all of the County jobs now scheduled for elimination under the President’s proposed budget.  
Instead of assuming responsibility for her actions, President P is attempting to shift the blame for her proposed layoffs onto frontline County employees—demanding that union members take six unpaid holidays and two unpaid furlough days to help close the budget gap.  She presented this proposal as an ultimatum just prior to unveiling her budget—giving the unions only a few days to respond.
Under her proposal, County employees would not be paid for holidays–Christmas, New Years, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving–not only this year, but for years to come.
Cook County AFSCME local presidents came together to speak with one voice—declaring that Presidemt P’s demand for unpaid days was not a serious proposal nor a serious effort to address the County’s budget problem.
In presenting her budget plan, President P again sought to pressure employees into taking unpaid days as she announced the layoff of over 1,000 County employees.
The County estimates that approximately 250 of those targeted for layoff would be employees in AFSCME bargaining units.  These planned layoffs will be in the following offices:  Assessor, Chief Judge, State’s Attorney, Public Defender, and Health System.  In our office,  57 total members of our local,
and sister locals that represent support staff and our investigators have received layoff notices. 

AFSCME is fighting against the proposed budget.  The layoffs would have a devastating impact on employees and their families—while diminishing the quality of representation that we provide our clients, in the end, costing the County more money in the long run.
Unfortunately, the time for public input and Board review of the budget plan is very brief.  Despite President P’s claims of openness and transparency, she is attempting to push through a vote on the budget by November 18—just three weeks after its introduction.
So there is no time to waste.
Public hearings on the budget are scheduled to begin next week.  The times, dates and locations can be found by clicking here
You should attend as many of the public hearings as possible.  Council 31 and your executive board will be there to present testimony about the harmful consequences of making these cuts. 
It’s also critical that you contact your County Commissioner right away to urge him or her to work to amend the budget in order to maintain services and prevent layoffs.  Call today to tell your Commissioner:  Don’t cut services or lay off employees!  
County Board members and their contact information has been sent as an attachment to all 316 members on our email burst list.  It’s easy for members to get on that list, just send and email with your name and job site to board@cookcountypd.org 
It’s essential that we stand up against President P’s attempt to balance the budget on our backs.  We have to send a strong message that these cuts will hurt vital services, harm those who lose their jobs, and damage the fabric of our communities.
Please note that if you have signed up on the Secretary to the County Board’s Website to speak at the public hearings, make sure to bring 30 copies of your statement and the time limit is 3 minutes.
K. S. Galhotra
AFSCME Local 3315
The Cook County Public Defenders Association

Let’s Rally in Springfield on October 26, 2011

We fought off efforts during the Spring to gut our pension benefits but the big corporations vowed to return during the fall veto session.  Well, the fall veto session goes into swing next week and we need a few good members to step forward  and drive down to Springfield and lobby their State Senators and Representatives on the pension issue.  But that’s not all.  Also at stake is the future of collective bargaining because Governor Quinn’s stance on current contracts (the General Assembly didn’t appropriate enough money, so I am going to have to reneg on my promises made in collective bargaining agreements) could kill collective bargaining in Illinois whether you work for the State, city or county.  This is important stuff and we need members to step up and fight.  Send an email to board@cookcountypd.org and let us know that you are ready to take a day off and drive to Springfield to fight for what’s right.

General Membership Meeting Oct. 18, 4pm

Please attend the general membership meeting scheduled for the auditorium at juvenile court for 4 pm this coming Tuesday.  The budget is being submitted by our office soon and we need to discuss our strategies.   This is an important time for us to come together and mobilize our local for what appears to be another battle.  We hope to see you there.

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Union Reaches Tentative Agreement with County

The bargaining committee representing Cook County locals reached a tentative agreement with managment on Friday, September 30, 2011.  AFSCME Council 31 will be holding a ratification vote on Thursday, 10/6/2011 at all major work sites.  Details will be available soon on the time and specific location for the ratification voting.  Information on the terms of the contract will be provided on Thursday at half hour meetings at the ratification voting sites.


Contract ratified  269-20 or by 93.1%

of the voting members.

The Haymarket Uprising and the Trial of August Spies

The Chicago History Museum is offering a bus tour on Saturday, September 24, 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m, commemorating the 125th anniversary of the Haymarket Affair.  Paul Durica leads this bus and walking tour and will take participants to sites connected to the Haymarket Tragedy, its prelude, and its aftermath. Sites include Haymarket Square, Zepf’s Hall, the former Cook County Courthouse, Union Park, Germania Club, Washington Square Park, McCormick Reaper Works, former homes of Albert Parsons and August Spies, and many more!  Participants will have the option to end their tour at Haymarket Pub & Brewery at Randolph & Halsted.  Contact the Chicago History Museum for more information.

Want to read the actual transcripts from the trial?  Just click this to go to the webpage with links to the transcripts.  Thanks to Michael Mayfield  (HTF) for the head’s up.

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Pension “Reform” Update

Thanks to sister Karen Florek (LRD) for alerting us to the article that appeared recently in the State Journal Register.  While we have taken a break from the phone calls, emails and letters to our State Representatives and State Senators regarding our pensions which led to SB 512 not even being called to a vote, House leaders are still working on this issue but are keeping a lid on what’s really going on.  Read the article here.

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