Good evening,
First some good news.
1) We received our first supply of hand sanitizer from Koval today. Koval was willing to donate what they gave us, but since they are operating on only a go-fund me page during this crisis, we paid for the product. It was added to their donations. The following is the process for distribution tomorrow. the protocol for drop off is as follows.
Someone that is on the court schedule tomorrow from each court site should contact (texts are fine) the respective board member to be available for drop off outside the courthouse. Koval is looking for a photo of the drop off as well. The sanitizer comes in gallon jugs, so keep any old smaller bottles to re-fill.
For members at:
Skokie; Rolling Meadows; Grand and Central contact Mark at 847-921-1083 to schedule drop off.
Markham; Bridgeview; Maywood; and 111th and Ellis contact Theresa at 773-495-7760
Harrison and Kedzie; 555 W Harrison and 26th Street contact Kevin at 312-501-1144
2245 W Ogden will have two bottles delivered early in the morning, One for JJ and one for CP. Contact Mark for their location in the office.
2) Virtual bond court for CBC and Weekend Bond court started today.
3) Virtual interview for CBC and Weekend Bond court started yesterday.
4) Additional PPEs were donated to the Union by Chris Anderson. Thank you for that. I know everybody needs supplies we will try and ration as best we can. If you are at 26th St and need them they are in my office. Please only take what you need for the day!!!!!! There are other sites that need some too and we want to get some out to others as well.
5) The board had a productive meeting with the President’s office and the office of the Chief Judge. The precautionary measures that were sent to you on Monday were delivered to those offices yesterday afternoon and we discussed them this morning.
6) AFSCME Local 3315 Cook County Public Defender’s Association was added as a signatory to the Chicago Appleseed’s Open Letter for the Release of Inmates due to this crisis.
Bad news:
At 8:30 am today there were 3 confirmed cases of inmates in CCDOC. By our conference call at 10:00 am there were 6 confirmed cases of inmates in CCDOC. As of this writing there were 17 in CCDOC and 2 in the Chief Judges office; one in probation and one at the Daley Center. Hopefully now they will get the damn point about our concerns!
That brings me to something else that we need to express. The board knows that you are all dedicated to your jobs and your clients. We know that you would rather take on hardships for the betterment of your clients. We will gladly get abused and disrespected by the judge, the state, the sheriff, the prisons even our own clients if we can get a positive outcome for our clients.
Over the last two weeks the board has spent hours and hours crafting a strategy, constantly changing to events that we see and that you relay to us through the great emails you’ve been sending to us. One aspect of that strategy is the development of demands that we put forth, our precautionary measures that we sent out Monday, the other is what we asked the members to do when confronted with the dangerous conditions in court.
We asked that everyone not participate in court proceedings that you deem unsafe. To go back to your office, to contact your supervisor and the Union and don’t go back until the situation is fixed. Also to get from you the stats of those courtrooms and what happened in court that day. What we got from you on stats and in response to our questions was wonderful and are having a huge impact on moving the parties in our favor. But from what we received very few refused to go into court if it was undafe.
We didn’t ask this to be difficult, we asked this to apply pressure to the agencies that need to modify their behavior and strengthen our position. When we aren’t in solidarity, we give up bargaining power. Solidarity is our strongest weapon in this, but we ALL have to act in the same way for it to work. I know its hard, I know there is fear of retaliation, I know that we have dedication to our clients, but when we stick together, all together, there is strength and courage in numbers, retaliation becomes impossible and we put our clients in a better position in the long run when they are safer with less contact and we are safer with less contact.
We can’t always outline in detail what our plan is as these emails tend to leak to those that we are bargaining with. Rest assured that the actions that we asked you to do are asked for a purpose. The goal was to seriously hinder this extended schedule so that the judges, sheriff, clerks and state’s would fall in line with safe practices. We achieved some goals but not enough considering the circumstances.
As things developed tonight, specifically with the increase of cases in CCDOC I had a conversation with the Council to expedite compliance with our precautionary measures. We had contact with management and will call the CJ first thing in the morning.
Our request for member action outlined above still stands.
Stay safe!
“ I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” Rosa Parks
Kevin OchallaPresidentLocal 3315